Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Movie Project Process piece

For my video project I decied to do a video that shows the different ways a man and woman are treated on the first day of a new job. This video is based on actual experience, although has been greatly summarized in some areas and exaggerated in others to incorporate other sexism the female might face later down the road.

Here are links to the movies

First Day of Work, A Woman's Perspective:

First Day of Work, A Man's Perspective:

As someone who is a employee in a industry that is male dominated I have noticed that sometimes when a female employee tend to stick out, and you notice when theirs a new girl in the office. Unfortunately because many of the guys who work in this office are not very social-able, they sometimes turn the only opportunity then have to interact with girls on a daily basis (work) into a dating game.

At first I was only going to do one video about a female entering the workforce, but then I decided that it would be better to do a comparison.

I also didn't the other person in the video to be a manager, just someone who had some experience at the organization. Managers can face accusations of favoritism by dating there employees, while employees with out managerial duties have a more freedom. I also wanted to show how women may come into conflict with others besides their superiors.

I tried to make the two new employees have essentially equal qualifications (just out of college, had a industry-related internship-like job in college, computer science degrees). Notice how the female employee gets assigned the job of doing the "pretty graphics", instead of the more challenging job that the male gets.

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